Indications for endoscopy

Direct access to endoscopy is offered to referring doctors. This allows patients to proceed directly to either a gastroscopy, colonoscopy or capsule endoscopy without delay. Generally this can be facilitated within 2-weeks. James does not charge a gap for endoscopic procedures.

Direct endoscopy access is offered to lower risk patients without major chronic co-morbidities or anaesthetic risk factors under the age of 75. If you are unsure whether your patient is suitable for this simply send the referral through and we will organise a consultation if required. Accepted indications for direct access endoscopy include the following:


  • Unexplained upper GI bleeding (haematemesis, melaena)
  • Unexplained iron deficiency
  • Unexplained recent dyspepsia in patients <50 years old with alarm symptoms
  • Dysphagia, odynophagia
  • Persistent vomiting and weight loss
  • Reflux refractory to medical therapy
  • Upper abdominal mass or imaging abnormality
  • For duodenal biopsy following positive serology in suspected coeliac disease
  • Surveillance of Barrett’s oesophagus and gastric intestinal metaplasia


  • Rectal bleeding for >4 weeks
  • Positive FOBT result (including National Bowel Cancer Screening Program) age 45-75yo
  • Bloody diarrhoea with negative stool MC&S
  • Change in bowel habit >6 weeks with alarm symptoms at any age
  • Change in bowel habit >6 weeks without alarm symptoms in patient aged >60yr
  • Unexplained iron deficiency anaemia
  • After first episode of proven diverticulitis to exclude neoplasm
  • Abnormal imaging
  • Active inflammatory bowel disease where endoscopy is indicated to progress management
  • Surveillance for past history of bowel cancer, polyps, inflammatory bowel disease
  • Surveillance for significant family history of bowel cancer